
A glimpse into the new, fast-pace, non-stop XPOSE Dance "Steady Friction", DEBUTING at the LA Unbound Showcase on August 28th & 29th at the El Portal Theater.

A confident, playful, unconventional gang made up of friends, who meet up in the middle of the night to wander the streets, looking for trouble. The dance almost appears to be a game, the streets their playground, at times, with its’ players working collectively on the same team and other times, playing individually by their own selfish rules. During the pursuit for adventure, they entice competition with one another, challenge the boundaries of right and wrong together and find excitement in the possibilities danger.

Playful, Sly, Seductive...

Photo courtesy of LA Unbound, captured during the LA Unbound Showcase dress rehearsal, held on August 15th, 2010.

Memories Distored

Memories Distored
2005 - University of California, Los Angeles

Body of Work

"...the one thing I know about a body of work is that it's never finished. It's cumulative; it deepens and expands with each day that you give your best, each day that you give back and contribute to the life of your community...You may have setbacks, and you may have failures, but you're not done -- you're not even getting started, not by a long shot." - Barack Obama